Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hello! I have been quiet for a few days. Between Playing Bioshock here and there (after work, around drawing and designing my game, when ever there is time) So far the story is brilliant, it has political commentary just as biting as Bioshock I, and I love the game.
The autosave feature does continue to be my one and only gripe of the game.
I am working on so many things right now its hard to even know where to begin. I am always drawing trying to get a deep reservoir of material for both simple tattooing of my own designs (not simple designs mind you but a reserve of images ready to go) and also enough designs to create a flash book. I am focused on monsters, macabre, horror, skulls, magical symbols, etc.
I have quite a few already and I am always looking to get more stowed away, Occassionally I go through these and redeisgn and redraw them to keep them in step with the style I am currently drawing with, or just to improve that which now seems outdated.
Well I know that was exciting.
Here is a facebook link to my Tattooing page if you are interested please feel free to Join my page and please share with others if you could.


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